
Why this project?

Flowers are a great trading commodity. But because of the fast turnover rate there is not much information available in the common trading sources.

The exporters and wholesale traders just provide basic color information. Although the clients demand more and better information. Such clients are Floral Designers, Exclusive Online shops, Event organisers etc.

To attract and serve a helpfull tool for such professionals is one of the reasons behind Flowercolors.nl

A base of more then +18.000 flowers with over +6000 images from currently available flowers in the Dutch Flowermarkets, the flowercolors.nl site gives a visual pleasing result when searching flowers with a certain color.

The site attracts worldwide users and provides a useful favorites system for colors and flowers.


Fig 1. Screenshot of landing page flowercolors.nl


Fig 2. Flower images shown after user selects any of the +200 colors



Fig 3 and 4. Users can click on the heart to favorite their flower and color


Fig 5. A very useful printable favorite system for each registered user.

Starting with virtual products has an advantage

As many webshops are created from existing products, the flowercolors.nl site is created from virtual products. That is why images are the base for derivate products such as the Colorfan. Another product which evolves is a database with professional potential clients. They are being served with excellent product information which is almost not available from the usual sources.



Fig 6 and 7. Interesting facts can be gathered from flowercolors.nl.

Derivate products

Many designers and their clients have strong taste for good colors. One of the derivate products of the virual flowercolors system is a printed Colorfan. It provides an easy way to identify in real life the colors you need or search.


Fig 8.


Fig 9.


Fig 10.


Fig 8,9,10,11. The paperback Colorfan is one of the derivate products.

Great abstract design behind the scenes

The flowercolors.nl site is also the base for some of our other apps. The reason for this is the code written as an interface. This gives us the possibility to extend the used formula for other Color Palletes such as RAL, Pantone, NCS etc.

These Palettes are used in graphical, furniture, fashion and many more industries. You can see how we could be implementing a simple design and a love for colors for a lot more handy tools!



Fig 12,13. Inspiration from multiple colors and showing all possible flowers

Mobile first

The design of the webapplication is mobile first and readable across all devices. Try and register at the platform for free!


If you want to contact us about flowercolors.nl let us know by mail: info@flowercolors.nl